Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Fred Kirby at WLCM - 1952 - Lancaster SC Photos

Country & Western recording artist and Charlotte personality Fred Kirby, left, and his horse Calico, do an interview with WLCM AM radio in May of 1952. WLCM had only been on the air 6 months at that time and was located at 103 S. Catawba St. 

Kirby was known for his songs that he recorded for RCA in the 1930s and 40s. He was the first recording artist to release a song about the atomic bomb. 

He was popular in The Carolinas with his show that aired on WBTV Charlotte for years. He was also seen often at Tweetsie Railroad in Blowing Rock. 

Many Carolinians may have seen him in their hometown parade.  (Photo by Lavoy Bauknight/Image on file with Travis Bell Photography) ©Copyright. All Rights Reserved.

1 comment:

  1. I worked at WLCM from 1990 until they closed in 1991. This picture was hanging in their office.


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