Showing posts with label events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label events. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Santa at Lancaster Christmas Parade - 1960 - Lancaster SC Photos

Santa rides north on Main St. during the Lancaster Christmas parade in 1960. 

This photograph was made at the intersection of Main and Arch streets. 

The former post office building can be seen behind the crowd.

(Photo by Lavoy Bauknight via The Lancaster Archive) 

Below are cropped versions, making it easier to see more details. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Main Street Damage From Hurricane Hugo - 1989 - Lancaster SC Photos

Awning, roofing and glass are seen on Main Street after Hurricane Hugo's destruction in September of 1989

The tropical cyclone reached Category 5 status, striking the South Carolina coast and moving inland towards Charlotte. 

Thousands of Lancaster County residents went without power for days and some for weeks. (Photo by The Lancaster News via The Lancaster Archive)

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Southern 500 in Darlington - Gunsmoke actor James Arness - 1958

On September 1, 1958, Lancaster photographer Lavoy Bauknight photographed NASCAR's Southern 500 race in Darlington. At left, standing in the convertible is actor James Arness, who starred as Matt Dillon on the hit television series, Gunsmoke. 

Fireball Roberts took the checkered flag that day with Buck Baker, who visited Lancaster in 1957, finishing second. Roberts' name can be seen on his car at right. 

See below for cropped versions. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Gov Campbell Visits Lancaster After Hurricane Hugo - 1989- Lancaster SC Photos

S.C. Gov. Carroll Campbell speaks during a press conference in Lancaster in the fall of 1989. 

Campbell visited Lancaster to view Hurricane Hugo damage and meet with local officials about financial aid for recovery. 

Hurricane Hugo stormed is way through Lancaster in Sept. of 1989, leaving destruction like no one had ever seen before. Residents went weeks without power. 

From left, is Red Hinson, Joe Shaw and Bob Mobley. 

(Photo by The Lancaster News via The Lancaster Archive) 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Shriners Parade - 1952 - Lancaster SC Photos


Lancaster Shriners head down Main St. in front of The Springs Block during their parade in August of 1952. 

The group and their families headed to Springs Park for a picnic with Col. Springs after the parade.

See below for cropped versions, making it easier to see more details. 

(Photo by Lavoy Studio via The Lancaster Archive)

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Shriners Perform Before Parade - 1952 - Lancaster SC Photos

Shriners perform in front of the Lancaster County Courthouse before their parade in August of 1952. 

Across the street where a car is seen in an open garage is where the Lancaster County building sits today.

(Photo by Lavoy Studio via The Lancaster Archive) 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Shriners at The Ellen Dean Hotel - 1952 - Lancaster SC Photos

Shriners from Lancaster and around the state gather at The Ellen Dean Hotel before their parade in August of 1952. The group headed to Springs Park for a family picnic after the parade. 

The Ellen Dean, located at 137 N White St., was constructed in 1941 and in addition to its hotel rooms, had retail stores on the ground level and an event space in the basement. 

Many Lancaster servicemen who married before departing to fight in WW2 spent their honeymoon night at The Ellen Dean. 


(Photo by Lavoy Studio via The Lancaster Archive)

This historic image was made possible by:

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Liberty Bell on Main Street - 1950 - Lancaster SC Photos


The Liberty Bell rings out on Main St. in 1950 as children and teens cover their ears. 

The bell was a replica given to South Carolina by the U.S. government and now sits on the statehouse grounds in Columbia. The event seen here was part of a national campaign promoting U.S. Savings Bonds. 

This image is looking south on Main and the Coca-Cola sign at left is near the intersection of Arch and Main streets. 

(Photo by Lavoy Studio via The Lancaster Archive)

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Belk's Swimwear Fashion Show - 1956 - Lancaster SC Photos


Models show off the latest Jantzen swimwear during a Belk's fashion show at Lancaster High School on April 4, 1956. 


(Photo by Lavoy Studio/The Lancaster Archive)

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Miss Lancaster Crowned By Miss America - 1965 - Lancaster SC Photos

Miss America Vonda Kay Van Dyke crowns Miss Lancaster, Linda Culp, during the Miss Lancaster pageant in 1965. 


(Photo by Lavoy Studio/The Lancaster Archive)

This image was made possible by:

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Lancaster Telephone Company Booth at Home Show - 1959 - Lancaster SC Photos

The Lancaster Telephone Company booth is seen during the Lancaster Home Show on April 24, 1959. 

Purchasing a colored phone back then was a big deal and so was getting a second phone for the kitchen (See the marketing poster at bottom left). 

The Home Show was an opportunity for locals to view the latest products from businesses like Friedman's Jewelers, BC Moore, and Belk.

(Photo by Lavoy Studio/The Lancaster Archive)

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Kilburnie Yard Sale - 1984 - Lancaster SC Photos

Kilburnie looked a little different back in 1984 when it was downtown. 

Here, a yard sale gets underway in an effort to raise funds to save the house. 

If you look closely, there's a No Trespassing sign on the left column. 

After being moved and fully restored, Kilburnie the Inn at Craig Farm has welcomed guests from all over the world. 

(Photo by The Lancaster News via The Lancaster Archive)

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Sponsor - Fran's Faithful Finds

Many thanks to Fran's Faithful Finds at Thirty-One Gifts for being a sponsor on The Lancaster Archive!

Now through May 10, when you place an order on her site, 20% of the purchase goes to Lancaster County School District's Girls on the Run programs.

Check out all the latest Thirty-One products at

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Mullis Bros. Auction Car in Lancaster Christmas Parade - 1961 - Lancaster SC Photos

The Mullis Brothers parade entry heads up Main St. during the 1961 Christmas Parade. 

Taking a look at the kid in the back window at left, we're thinking he's not sure what is going on! A fun time though for sure.

(Photo by Lavoy Studio/The Lancaster Archive)

Sponsor - Builders Supply

Many thanks to Builders Supply for helping bring hundreds of celebrated images to life from our hometown's visual history! 

Builders Supply. A Great Place to Work!


Monday, December 19, 2022

Waiting for Christmas Parade - 1960 - Lancaster SC Photos

Who's ready for candy? 

Children and adults wait for the start of The Lancaster Christmas Parade in 1960. 

Kids often moved to the front of the line in hopes of getting candy, which was thrown from floats during the parade. 

See below for cropped versions, making it easier to see faces. 


(Photo by Lee Studio/The Lancaster Archive)

Editor's Note: Thanks to Mary Lee Barton for naming some of the people in this photograph. 

"I see Harry Melton and his boys. Bernice is standing behind them.

On down the line is Betty Ross Hinson Carter and her mother Trudy Hinson. Then down the line is Karen Kirk Hatcher sitting and her mother Grace Kirk standing behind her. Great memories." 

Sarah Deese Funderburk also added: 

"Lynette and Arlene Lawson center front seated." 

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Children Waiting for Christmas Parade - 1959 - Lancaster SC Photos

Children wait for the Lancaster Christmas Parade to start in Dec. of 1959 on Main St. 

Many children flocked to the front of the line to get a clear view and have a better chance of catching candy from people in the parade. 


(Photo by Lavoy Studio/The Lancaster Archive)

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Miss Heath Springs in the Lancaster Christmas Parade - 1964 - Lancaster SC Photos

Miss Heath Springs, Patricia Cauthen Ussery, is seen in the Lancaster Christmas Parade as the Heath Springs High School cheerleaders and band follow behind in 1964. 

Look closely and you'll see people in the windows above. 

Playing at the Parr Theater was Youngblood Hawke. 

Do you see Harper's Five & Dime? 

Visit this link to purchase a print

(Photo by Lee Studio/The Lancaster Archive)

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